Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

What Are Oxalates? Champion Detoxifier Or Evil Mineral Robber

It’s a commonly asked question at Advanced Body Foods. “What are Oxalates?” Through the generations of time plants, roots, berries, and components of living organisms in the Plant world developed ways to survive. Indeed, Plants have been food for many humans, other animals, microbes, etc. for thousands of years. Oxalates are a natural defense mechanism that the plant world created to prevent seeds, leaves, roots etc from being eaten. Although a simplistic way to look at it, its parallels can not be overlooked. Oxalates are a plant’s defense and protective mechanisms.  Oxalates can be overly consumed by humans. Once this occurs, oxalates begin to build up in the body. At this point, they can make the body sick and cause a multitude of symptoms [R]. Benefits of oxalates

Why Is Understanding Oxalates Important?

Advanced Body Foods - What Are Oxalates?

The main problem with oxalates in the body is that oxalates bind to calcium and iron. Once this occurs they are removed from the body through urine, filtered through the kidneys. The problem is all the extra salts get stuck in the filtration tubes causing Kidney Stones and permanent damage to the toxin filtration systems. It’s also important to keep in mind, modern science is uncovering other symptoms that could be caused by excessive oxalates in the body including headaches as well as joint and muscle pain.BfYglST AN6zGvpdCzhWRGld2eXnnEY4LThWfIa5D7A81 P7Ra0hfQAC7yzPu25BIbW9Rfs8Oq9kYusWeOYSbSj sNATIuAJIP384fjGSUK8jqQX2thTrPIGbWGFTTe1u ogdXSoEiA5ahCGrANd2AU

According to the National Library Of Medicine, build up of oxalates from the foods we eat cause over 80% of the Kidney Stone Cases in the United States [R].  Moreover, many common symptoms that are related to oxalate toxemia are headaches, eye pain, joint and muscle pain, and urinary tract pain and according to LIsa Barr MD, “overconsumption of oxalates or the inability to process oxalates can even lead to changes in mood, sleep problems, weakness, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the prostate, and burning feet.” 

Fruits and Vegetables Vary In Oxalate Levels – It Gets Complicated

Advanced Body Foods - What Are Oxalates?

Oxalate Content Varies In Fruits and Vegetables

There is a big variance in oxalates in different fruits and vegetables. For example, raw spinach has around 656 mg oxalates per cup. This is more than 40x higher than most other vegetables.[R] A Banana has around 3 mg [R]. You can get the entire food chart list of high and low oxalate concentrated foods at the link below.

Benefits of Oxalates

Daily Oxalate Intakes and the National Institute Of Health

According to the National Institute of Health, normal oxalate levels should be around 25 mg per day. Other studies suggest 40 – 50 but most are within this range. Basically The National Institute Of Health is saying there should be no more than 40 mg of oxalates in the urine at any given time. Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates

According To Harvard Health, “Foods high in oxalates (nuts, spinach, potatoes, tea, and chocolate) can increase the amount of oxalate in the urine. Consume these in moderation.” [R

On Our Next Blog We Will Go Deeper Into What Foods Have Oxalates, How To Neutralize Them, How To Minimize Them, and How To Use Them To Your Advantage. Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates

Detoxification From Oxalates

  1. Use The Food Chart Above for 90 Days – Stay Under 40 mg per Day (For Optimized Detoxification Stay Under 20 Mg Per Day)
  1. Include Advanced Body Foods Superfood Blends For Detoxification, Metabolism, Gut Flora and Natural Vitamins, Minerals and Essential Amino Acids Needed For Optimized Detoxification and Liver Support. (CALCIUM and IRON)

Take Performance Pollen For Breakfast In Place Of A Meal In Coffee, Tea, or Water.

For Accelerated Detoxification – Performance Pollen In Morning and Pain Pollen (Inflammation Pollen in The Evening With Meal)

  1. After 90 Days, Reevaluate Pain Levels, Energy Levels, and Overall Health. Then and Only Then, begin to reintroduce foods higher in oxalates and check how your body feels. 
Advanced Body Foods - What Are Oxalates?

My take

Oxalates are not good for the body, there is no question. But considering the liver synthesizes oxalates to help detoxify toxins and even Vitamin C itself is metabolized in some form to an oxalate, we must put it all into perspective. 

The Detoxification Process Of The Body

Binding to unnecessary minerals, toxins, and unneeded components is a form of detoxification that is used by the liver. It’s so critical to the body, that the body uses an oxalate detoxification system building and creating its own oxalates to move out toxins it doesn’t need or want. Benefits of oxalates Benefits of oxalates

So are oxalates bad for the body? Yes.

If used in moderation and with knowledge can the damage be minimized? Absolutely

Nature Is Fascinating – The Iron Depleter is Also the Iron Deliver 

Coming full circle, It’s fascinating that the highest food in oxalates, spinach, is also one of the highest concentrations of iron, a mineral it’s known to bind to, and eventually pull out of the body along with calcium.  Remember, Perspective. 

This means that the food highest in the ability to chelate or pull iron out of the body is one of the most abundant foods in naturally absorbable iron. It can be confusing but like we agreed, it’s all about perspective. Even spinach itself, should we throw it out completely, I’m not convinced. However, knowledge and understanding when eating these foods are paramount. Many fruits detoxify the body, and many plants heal. What we are finding once again is that over consumption of anything, even plant based foods can cause harm to the body. [R

Advanced Body Foods Men's Superfood Pack - Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends
Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplement Blends

Performance Pollen – Proactive Gut Protection and Support

Blue Spirulina, Calcium, and Iron

Advanced Body Foods Science Is a Step ahead of the Oxalate Game. An Active Superfood in our Performance Pine Pollen Blend is Blue Spirulina. Blue Spirulina offers powerful natural plant based antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and all the essential amino acids. In fact, Blue Spirulina is loaded with absorbable Calcium and Iron. This is critical to the treatment of oxalates because the main problem as we mentioned before is binding to iron and calcium and thus removing them from the body. 

Add Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplement Blends

Power Play – Add Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements To Your Diet

Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen has the two most naturally abundant absorbable vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and hormone boosters that power up the detoxification, metabolism, and digestive centers of the body.  Blue Spirulina itself is packed with calcium and iron in a natural absorbable form with the supporting vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. In Addition, this process moves toxins out and supports healthy gut flora. 

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What are #oxalates and are they good for my #Health? Over the next few videos and blogs we are going over the “ins and outs” of oxalates, how they affect your health, what foods are high in oxalates and hacks to detoxify your gut from oxalates. #advancedbodyfoods #nutrition #detoxification #performancepollen #bluespirulina #pinepollen #iron #calcium #phycocyanin #kidney #kidneyhealth #oxalatesfoodlist #diet #health #minerals #bones #pain #headaches #jointpain #arthritis #musclepain #theadvancedbody

♬ Good With Me – Jaylon Ashaun

3 responses to “What Are Oxalates? Champion Detoxifier Or Evil Mineral Robber”

  1. […] What Are Oxalates? Champion Detoxifier Or Evil Mineral Robber […]

  2. […] – Trade Nuts, Grains, and Processed Foods For Low Oxalate Fruits and […]

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