Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

Joint Pain: 5 Ways To Prevent Naturally

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In my 20-year career as a practicing chiropractic doctor in Texas, joint pain, and solving joint pain, has been a dedicated focus for more than 20 years.

Here are a few recommendations and hacks that will help solve the muscle pain riddle. 🏋️‍♂️

Move Every Day: Our Bodies Were Made To Move

Sitting or standing for long periods of time puts extra pressure on the back and extremity joints. This, in turn, causes arthritis and joint deterioration. 🚶‍♂️

Get Regular Chiropractic, Massage, and/or Acupuncture

The Advanced Body Foods system is based on the concept of creating a naturally powerful core. Chiropractic specifically is a powerful tool to move toxins out of the body, increase oxygen and nutrients to the joints, and also stimulates and supports the nerve flow to the area. This can be a powerful addition to your maintenance program.

For optimal results, get 2 – 3 Chiropractic Adjustments, Massages, Or Some Form Of Self Care Per Month. Moreover, integrate your adjustments with your exercise, nutrition, and regular routine. 💆‍♂️

Learn and Avoid Foods That Are High In Oxalates

Oxalates are compounds in many grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits that cause a depletion of vital calcium and magnesium in the body. They also are a main cause of joint pain and arthritis. In fact, oxalates are the number one cause of kidney stones, and after years of study, I am convinced oxalate overconsumption is a big component of the unknown chronic pain epidemic that is sweeping the country. Studies suggest over 50 million Americans have chronic pain, and 80% of those people are misdiagnosed. 🚫🥦

What Are Oxalates? Champion Detoxifier Or Evil Mineral Robber

Oxalates – How To Destroy (Avoid and Neutralize)

Oxalates Cause Joint Pain and Headaches

Eat Alkaline Foods To Reduce Joint Pain

Our bodies produce acid that gets deposited in muscles, tissues, and joints of the body. In addition, f you eat foods that are alkaline, it will help absorb and neutralize the toxins, easily processing them and allowing the body to remove them. There are alkaline charts on the internet, and the goal is to eat 60 – 80% alkaline.

Some Alkaline Foods Are High In Oxalates:

Eating alkaline is a fun way to add diversity to your diet and enjoy the essence of nature. We talked about oxalates in the above section. Make sure you read our Posts on Oxalates prior to shopping for Alkaline Foods. They go hand in hand, but there are some foods high in oxalates that should be avoided. 🥗📚

Introduce Medicinal Herbs, Spices, and Superfoods For Joint Health

 Synthetic Vitamins and Protein Powders are harsh to the body, causing inflammation. Additionally, they do not absorb like natural superfood vitamins and are acidic to the body. In place of anything synthetic, begin to increase natural plant-based superfoods, medicinal herbs, and spices. 🌿

Advanced Body Foods Supplements For Joint Pain

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen For Joint Pain and Prevention

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen is a condensed and powdered superfood, spice, and medicinal herb blend focused on removing inflammation from the body and killing pain before it starts. 💊

Pain Pollen and Natural Anti-Inflammatories

One of the features of our Pain Pollen blend is that it contains natural Cox 2 Enzyme Inhibitors that cause inflammation and joint pain. Everyone remembers the days of Celebrex. This was a medical synthetic version of a Cox 2 Enzyme Inhibitor. Pain Pollen also has 200 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids that support the body’s immune system and prevent swelling, inflammation, and pain in joints. 💪

Advanced Body Foods Supplements For Joint Pain

Advanced Body Foods Superfoods For Pain, Arthritis, and Joint Care

For Natural Joint Pain Relief and Prevention, Check Out Pain Pollen. 

Let Advanced Body Foods Do All The Work: For All Encompassing Superfood Support Check Out Our Men and Women’s Superfood Supplement Packs.

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Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends

2 responses to “Joint Pain: 5 Ways To Prevent Naturally”

  1. […] natural joint pain relief supplement has been widely sought out in recent years as an alternative to medicine […]

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