Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

Are Beets and Beet Powders Healthy? The Mineral Extractor

Beets are universally known to be a healthy food source boosting energy and supporting a healthy cardiovascular system. In reviewing studies on Beets in the scientific literature, I was astounded by all the proven health benefits of beets including nitric oxide optimization, cardiovascular health, sports performance and overall health enhancement. Moreover, there is no question Beets have proven health benefits and a fascinating resume in the “western-science” community. However, recent discoveries on what causes the body to break down and degenerate has shed some light on the challenges of eating beets or using beet powders regularly.   

Are beets healthy? Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements

A New Understanding Of What Causes Pain – Oxalates

The more we learn about oxalates, a compound found in beets, the more it’s important to put into perspective the cons of eating beets regularly. Moreover, the cons of using beet powders as performance, fitness, and training supplements as a whole.

Although a new word to many, oxalates hammer away at the health of the body by extracting minerals and combining to them to form crystals and salts. The kidneys must then excrete the salts and crystals out of the body in the urine. Unfortunately, once the kidneys gets overwhelmed the body deposits the salts in the kidneys (kidney stones) and/or the joints of the body (arthritis).

At this point, the vital minerals of the body are not usable and cannot be excreted. Early deposits begin to form.

The symptoms of over consumption of oxalates include pain, headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues to name a few. Given that, long term this can cause kidney stones, gout, and severe arthritis [R]. 

Are beets healthy? Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements - Oxalates Cause Pain

According to the Center for Disease Control, over fifty million Americans suffer from some form of chronic pain [R]. The reality is, Pain itself has become an American epidemic. With the number of Kidney Stones on the rise annually and oxalates the main cause kidney stones, Oxalates have placed themselves as an undeniable cause of chronic human pain.

Not only are oxalates at the scene of the crime, there is now enough evidence and understanding out there to avoid regularly eating the foods that are high in oxalates. This will help prevent long term conditions that reduce your quality of life, cause pain, and destroy your body’s detoxification systems.

Where Are Oxalates Found?

Oxalates hide in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. In fact, in looking for information on beets I came across a Web MD article listing Beets as the 5th most “oxalate” ridden food source with over 150 mg/cup [R]. To put this into perspective, the recommendations for a low oxalate diet is 40 – 50 mg/day [R].

Are beets healthy? Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements - Beets Contain Oxalates, Oxalates Cause Pain

Beet Powder For Performance and Pre-Workout Training?

By adding beet powder or eating one a cup of beets you have tripled the daily intake of oxalates independent of any other food that goes into your body. This daily routine increases your chances of chronic pain and joint arthritis longterm. These compounds slowly build up in the body and cause dysfunction, pain, and inflammation as we mentioned above, leads to kidney stones when the filters get plugged up with salt.

This means when one adds beet powder or eats beets they are systematically depleting the body of its own essence. It’s true, Calcium and magnesium are the main victims of oxalates. These minerals are vital to the body and are also further depleted under stress, performance, or training.

When oxalates combine and attach to minerals in the body the minerals become useless and are flushed out the kidneys. This is another reason why we say using Beets for performance long term can have an adverse effect. If you perform at a high level one day, but over time your minerals are completely depleted and you have accelerated arthritis, its not a good fit. 

Why are Beets Bad For Performance Longterm?

There is no question, Oxalates flush out vital minerals in the body needed for performance. Using beets and powders with high oxalates will over time deplete your body of minerals and will also cause restricted movement/arthritis as we mentioned above. As the body begins to turn into salt, the kidneys begin to back up causing kidney stones. The deposits of these crystals and solids form in the joints and soft tissue structures of the body (arthritis).

Are beets healthy? Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements

Advanced Health Power Play – Substitute Performance Pollen For Beet Powder

Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen optimizes energy, nutrition, and oxygen utilization. Performance Pollen is a unisex blend delivering over 200 bioactive nutrients that optimize performance, power and stamina. It’s a pre workout, post workout, or any time its “game-time” superfood supplement.

Are beets healthy? Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements
Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends For Performance

The condensed and powdered superfood blends support natural performance optimization without the oxalate powders that deplete the body of vital nutrients. In fact, by delivering the nutrients needed to power through a performance or workout, Performance Pollen stands alone as a performance booster and also a natural vitamin that supports recovery, focus, and prevention of injuries.

Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen _ Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blend With Blue Spirulina
Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen
Advanced Body Foods CHRISTMAS20 Code at checkout

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Advanced Body Foods Powdered Superfood Vitamin Blends Contain:

  • Complex B Vitamins $35
  • Vitamin E $35
  • Vitamin D $40
  • Dietary Fiber $20
  • Digestive Enzymes $20
  • Anti-Oxidants $40
  • DHEA $60
  • Multimineral $50
  • Anti-Inflammatories $35
  • Essential Amino Acids $50

Our Performance Pollen is Just 69.99

Go All Natural and Save over $300 Per Month

Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends

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