Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

How To Complete Your Goals – The “Home Run” Hack

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Sometimes it seems like people (a very select few) can do it all. They always finalize their tasks ahead of schedule with success. Furthermore and most astonishing, they seem to complete their goals and tasks with very little stress. Breaking it down, just like everything, there is a science to it all.ย  Here are the Advanced Body Foods key hacks that will help you complete any goal and support you on accomplishing any task, job, and even dream. Supplement for health Supplement for health

-Dr. Jack

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#1 Write It Down to Complete Any Goal

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Studies suggest there is an increase in the success of accomplishing a goal if you write it down. [R]

#2 Establish a Time Frame for Completion 

Establishing a time for the completion of a task or goal is important. In other words, it will help you keep your โ€œeyes on the prize.โ€ Plus, it will help you avoid distractions. [R] Supplement for health Supplement for health Supplement for health

#3 Sleep On it To Complete it

To complete your goals, its important to refurbish your brains creativity centers. [R] This is done through rest and sleep. Studies suggest when your body goes into a deep sleep pattern called REM (Rapid Eye Movement), your body recuperates its creativity centers. In fact, this process prepares you for another round of taking on and fulfilling your goals and tasks.

When it comes to Sleeping, Quality Over Quantity

Always remember, Quality trumps quantity every time. Some of the greatest geniuses of all time including Nikola Tesla rarely slept for more than 2 hours at a time. Although we are not recommending 2 hours of sleep a night, it does high light the fact that it’s the quality of sleep, not the quantity, you need to complete your goals. [R]

#4 Do Daily Diligence

There is a continuity that happens when you focus on a project and work on it daily [R]. This does not mean you will always be inspired, however it does mean for 15 – 30 minutes a day you review your project, job, or goals and prepare for the next round [R]. Focusing on your project daily keeps the knowledge fresh in your mind and helps with efficiency [R]. Studies suggest the more your frequent your project in your mind, the more your lock the information into your long term memory data base. When this occurs, you have more creative brain energy to pull from and utilize.

#5 Pick Up Where You Left Off

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Starting and finishing where you left off is a powerful tool to keep the continuity of your project and maintain the progress through daily challenges.  For example, if you are building a backyard space and you are building a fence, finish the fence before you move on to laying the Sod. Itโ€™s that simple.

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As always, if you like our content, stop by and give us a #Follow, a #Like, and a #Share. -Dr. Jack

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