Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

Weight Loss Hacks: Make Your Successful Weight Loss Plan

Successful weight loss program- New Year’s Resolutions are nothing new historically with the first resolutions made by the Babylonians over 4,000 years ago. In todays time, many people around the country make new resolutions to lose weight. According to a recent study, about 38% of people make some form of New Year’s Resolutions with about 35-40% related to weight loss. Unfortunately, over 43% of New Year’s Resolutions fail before February [R]. Advanced Body Foods diet systems and plans are effective, easy, and convenient with a high success rate. Here are a few key points that we high light that will make your weight loss plan successful.

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Preparation Is Key

Remember preparation is everything. If you go into a program un-prepared, unfocused, sick, weak, detoxifying from alcohol, or under stress, your body can receive the weight loss plan and system poorly. Moreover, the weight loss program or diet can cause damage to the body, deteriorating health and even causing weight gain. 

Here are some practical ideas on preparation, focus, and health requirements going into a healthy, successful weight loss program. 

Listen To Daily Weight Loss Videos and Education On You Tube Or Read Books To Keep You Focused On Your Weight Loss Program

Daily Focus and learning will keep your diet plan and system fun and engaging. Studies suggest maintaining a daily focus will drastically increase the outcome of your success. Although this goes for almost any situation or endeavor, it is partially important when dealing with food and weight loss. It is so easy to fall off the wagon. 

Begin about 2 weeks out focusing on different topics and ideas related to your weight loss system. Spend 30 – 45 minutes per day learning something new. For example, if you are going to be following a Paleo Diet, begin learning the ends and outs of the diet plan. If you are interested in exercise and how to implement a healthy exercise program with your nutrition program (which we recommend), begin watching training, fitness, and exercise videos.

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Light Intermittent Fasts Preparing For Extended Weight Loss

Light Intermittent Fasts are 20 – 30 Hour Fasts that begin to teach your body to use fats for energy and helps your body begin to detoxify. Even if your weight loss plan is not centered around fasting or intermittent fasting, this is a key hack that will help curb hunger, boost metabolism/ energy, and help prevent your body from rejecting the weight loss program itself once your get started. In other words, light intermittent fasting prior to a weight loss program gets your body primed and ready to do a longer/ extended weight loss plan (6 weeks to 3 Months).

Successful Weight Loss Program

With Intermittent Fasting – Go Natural

Not all plans are the same. We recommend all natural weight loss systems like the Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Fast that can be done regularly and can be applied as needed to minimize weight and also help reset hormones, energy levels, immunity, and detoxify the entire body. 

Low Carbohydrate Diet For 2 Weeks

Carbohydrates and sugar are extremely addictive. Lowering your intake over a few week period prior to beginning your diet, will improve the chances of your weight loss success and reduce the shock your body will be entering without as much sugar floating around the blood. All diet plans restrict carbohydrates and sugar in some form. Training your body on specific carbohydrate restrictions prior to beginning your weight loss journey will help you maintain your energy, focus, and strength through the initial phases. 

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Keep a Weight Loss Journal

Keeping a journal should be at the top of the list for almost every endeavor. There is simply something magical about having a dream/ idea and working through challenges until it comes true. Easily overlooked, Journaling can be a key tip that will keep you on your game and focused. successful weight loss successful weight loss successful weight loss successful weight loss

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Don’t Over Hydrate

The more water your drink, the more you pee out the vital minerals your body needs. On the other hand, during a weight loss program water is needed to help move toxins out. A healthy balance is to drink to thirst only and don’t overcompensate during your weight loss plan. One of the worst things a diet plan can do is deplete the body of vital nutrients including minerals. Although taking Advanced Body Foods supplements will prevent this to some extent, it is still important not to over hydrate. 

Add Advanced Body Foods For Weight Loss To Your Diet

Advanced Body Foods were developed to naturally support the body under weight loss, stress, fatigue, hunger, and lack of energy. In fact, Advanced Body Foods superfood blends have over 200 bioactive naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and hormone boosters that optimize the body’s function independent of food, sugar spikes, and insulin releases. Advanced Body Foods products will help with energy, hunger support, prevent your body from losing protein, increase your focus, and will boost your metabolism. These products are a home run for natural weight loss.  

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Take Advanced Body Foods Supplements Two Weeks Prior To Weight Loss Plan

2 Weeks prior to beginning a weight loss regiment, power up your body by introducing Advanced Body Foods to your diet. Begin to use them as Daily Vitamins in your coffee, tea, or water. They can be then used in place of breakfast or lunch if you are not hungry or are fasting. This is a combo punch to fat and inflammation. Both intermittent fasting and metabolic boosting superfoods boost weight loss. successful weight loss successful weight loss successful weight loss successful weight loss

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Women’s Weight Loss and Performance Pack
Men’s Weight Loss and Performance Pack
Intermittent Fasting For Men – The Ins and Outs
Advanced Foods Foods – Energize Your Metabolism

4 responses to “Weight Loss Hacks: Make Your Successful Weight Loss Plan”

  1. […] you’re on a weight loss plan, consider replacing a meal with Weight Loss Pollen for added nutritional support! […]

  2. […] stands out for its remarkable benefits – Intermittent Fasting. This method revolves around strategically separating eating periods from times of fasting, yielding significant gains for both weight loss and blood sugar balance. […]

  3. […] Loss Pollen supports your natural weight loss plan with its detoxifying, beautifying, hunger-supporting, energy-boosting, and focus-enhancing […]

  4. […] this robust superfood blend into your daily routine to support your weight loss journey naturally and effectively. […]

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