Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

#1 Natural Supplements For High Blood Sugar and Diabetes

According to Dr. Will Cole M.D. in the book, ‘The Inflammation Spectrum’, and also backed in an abundance of scientific literature, high insulin levels cause weight gain, pre-diabetes, and eventually full blown diabetes. Dr. Cole also goes on to list other complications like nerve pain, cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, vision damage, etc that accompany maintaining high blood sugar & diabetes levels. To put this epidemic into perspective, studies suggest that over 50% of Americans have some form of insulin resistance. Even the Center For Disease Control concludes that 100 Million Americans plus have Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes [R}. The Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplement Pine Pollen, other wise known as Vitamin Pollen, can play a key role in balancing your blood sugar.

Part 1 – Natural Supplements for High Bloods Sugar and Pre Diabetes

Let’s talk a little about high blood sugar, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Much like our series on Oxalates, we are going to it break down into 3-4 Parts with each Blog building on the knowledge from the previous blog. Our next Blog will be Hacks To Prevent High Blood Sugar and Diabetes.

Natural Supplements For High Blood Sugar and Diabetes - Advanced Body Foods

Americans Have One Of The Highest Percentages Of Diabetes In The World

There is no question we as a society are doing something drastically different than other nations. According suggest “Increased use of carbonated drinks and foods high in sugar, such as baked products made from white flour, processed and packed ready-to-eat foods, and fried foods, has contributed to an unhealthy eating pattern among Americans. These foods can induce chronic inflammation, a factor that can lead to diabetes.” [R].

Natural Supplements For High Blood Sugar and Diabetes - Advanced Body Foods

“As per the American Diabetes Association, the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes is projected to increase 165%, from 11 million in 2000 (prevalence of 4.0%) to 29 million in 2050 (prevalence of 7.2%)” [R].

Insulin Resistance and High Blood Sugar Make The Body Work Harder

Additionally, resistance to insulin makes the entire body work exponentially harder putting extra pressure on systems of the body like the cardiovascular system. It’s true, symptoms and conditions arise when your blood sugar stays high over period of time. This is where lifestyle, daily habits, diets, and routines come into play. Once symptoms start to arise many Americans seek medications that cause the further imbalance of blood sugar. Furthermore, this causes damage to major organs and further depleting insulin.

Medication, High Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance

According to many studies, some medications can actually cause Diabetes [R]. There is no question that certain drugs are more damaging than others to the sugar regulating systems of the body. With that said, it’s important to put into perspective how important it is to NATURALLY avoid Type 2 Diabetes, Pre Diabetes, Chronic High Blood Sugar, and Insulin Resistance without the use of synthetic medication. This is achieved by changing your lifestyle, supplements/ eating habits, and introducing steps to naturally support healthy blood sugar levels. There is no other way.

Diabetes – The Rabbit Or The Turtle

Diabetes is not a disease that comes on the body like a hurricane, and definitely is not the Rabbit in the Old Folk Tale, The Rabbit And The Turtle. Much like the Turtle, Diabetes has a slow steady and destructive effect on the body that chips away at the energy and health systems of the body. In fact, Diabetes is a slow progressive condition where the body loses the ability to regulate itself. This can be a disaster and as we mentioned above, synthetic medications are not the answer. 

Can I Support My Body’s Natural Ability to Balance Blood Sugar?

Advanced Body Foods Vitamin Pollen can be a game changer to those looking for a supplement for high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and pre-diabetes. High Blood Sugar & Diabetes High Blood Sugar & Diabetes High Blood Sugar & Diabetes

Natural Supplements For High Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance and Diabetes - Advanced Body Foods

#1 Natural Supplements For High Blood Sugar and Diabetes – Vitamin Pollen

Pine Pollen has the power to assist the body in regulating blood sugar and insulin. 

Advanced Body Foods Vitamin Pollen is 100% All Natural Condensed and Powdered Pine Pollen. Moreover, the benefits of Pine Pollen in powdered form first and foremost improves the body’s ability to absorb naturally occurring occurring plant based nutrients needed to power your body through the day. High Blood Sugar & Diabetes High Blood Sugar & Diabetes High Blood Sugar & Diabetes

Pine Pollen has a powerful fiber shell that once cracked allows the body to digest and process over 200 nutrients including all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and also hormone boosters that increase vitality, focus, libido, and performance.

High Blood Sugar & Diabetes

How To Take Vitamin Pollen For Balanced Blood Sugar

Take 1 – 2 Tablespoons in Coffee, Tea, Water, or Shakes. For Optimal Use, take in place of at least one meal a day. 

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