Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

#1 Best Curcumin Supplement For Pain Relief | Pain Pollen

What is the best Curcumin Supplement for pain relief? Advanced Body Foods has developed a superfood blend, Pain Pollen, that stands out as the most powerful natural pain relief product available.

An Epidemic Of Pain

It’s true—pain and chronic pain are at epidemic levels in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 20.4% of U.S. adults had chronic pain in 2019, and 7.4% had high-impact chronic pain, which significantly limits life or work activities. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that chronic pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. This is why fighting pain naturally is at the heart of Advanced Body Foods science.

Introducing the best Curcumin supplement for pain, inflammation, and over all joint health.

Best Curcumin Supplement For Pain Relief - Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen

Advanced Body Foods and Natural Pain Relief 🌿

We take pain relief and helping people feel better on a natural level as one of our most important missions at Advanced Body Foods. It’s why Pain Pollen has been our best-selling product since our launch last year. Here is a deep dive into Curcumin.

What a Curcumin Supplement for Pain? 🌿

Curcumin is a natural compound found in the root of the turmeric plant (Curcuma longa), which is part of the ginger family. It is the principal curcuminoid and the active ingredient that gives turmeric its bright yellow color and many of its health benefits.

Curcumin Supplements in a Condensed and Powdered Form 🌼

Why are Advanced Body Foods supplements in powdered form rather than vitamin form, particularly Pain Pollen, our natural pain relief supplement blend with Turmeric Root? The macro or bulk form of superfoods contains thousands of antioxidants that prevent swelling, inflammation, and arthritis pain.

When natural superfoods and substances are overly synthesized or modified, their ability to be absorbed by the body diminishes, and many antioxidants are lost in the process. This is particularly true for Curcumin supplements. Moreover, Curcumin is one of thousands of antioxidants in the Curcuminoid class. Delivering bulk, macro superfood in a powdered and condensed form in the Turmeric Root allows the body maximum absorption and access to other nutrients present in the root, including its superstar, Curcumin. 🌟

Curcumin Supplements for Natural Pain Relief 🖤

Curcumin is not easily absorbed in the human digestive tract. This is why you often see the addition of black pepper, which enhances the absorption of Curcumin by hundreds of times. Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen has a perfect blend of black pepper in each serving to optimize the absorption of potentially the most powerful natural pain reliever known to man. This is great news for those who suffer from pain, inflammation, and joint stiffness.

Best Curcumin Supplement For Pain Relief - Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen

Curcumin and Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen 🍍

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen is a Curcumin Supplement for Pain Relief that delivers natural pain relief by boosting absorption, thanks to the addition of Pine Pollen, the superfood.

Pine Pollen Supplements for Pain and Inflammation Relief 🌲

Pine Pollen contains over 200 bioactive naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, hormone boosters, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories. The compounds in Pine Pollen are powerful natural anti-inflammatories that support Curcumin and the other thousands of antioxidants in Turmeric Root and Pine Pollen superfoods.

Curcumin Pain Relieving Superfood 💪

Curcumin is known to fight inflammation on a metabolic level. Studies suggest that Curcumin is a natural COX-2 enzyme inhibitor. The COX-2 enzyme causes joint arthritis, stiffness, and chronic inflammation. This process not only causes pain but also promotes arthritis and eventually chronic pain. Curcumin is a great natural pain reliever and functions as a natural anti-inflammatory, preventing the degradation process in joints and muscles.

Curcumin Supplements for:

  • Joint Pain 🦵
  • Arthritis 🧑‍🦽
  • Joint Health 💪
  • Training and Workout Recovery 🏋️
  • Inflammation 🔥

Pain Pollen – The Best Supplement for Joint Pain Relief ☕🍵🥤

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen is the best Curcumin Supplement for Pain. Add 1-2 teaspoons to coffee, tea, water, or shakes for optimal results.

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One response to “#1 Best Curcumin Supplement For Pain Relief | Pain Pollen”

  1. […] 20 years, with over successful 50,000 treatments, I’ve seen firsthand how debilitating neck pain can be. It not only affects daily activities but also quality of life and overall health. One […]

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