Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

Blue Spirulina for Detoxification – The Superfood Detoxifier

Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen containing Blue Spirulina is a perfect superfood and supplement for detoxification addressing issues of a toxic internal environment on a cellular level. Additionally, Performance Pollen also supports the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms by supplying nutrients needed to neutralize and move toxins out of the body. 

If anyone has ever walked into a freshly cleaned house, it has a charm of its own creating a feeling of peace and wellbeing.  Moreover, a clean house scientifically supports a healthy lifestyle promoting a higher quality of life for those that maintain it. It’s true, most know the importance of taking out the trash and making sure the inside of their house is sanitary. No one actively or intentionally leaves trash or waste sitting around. Unfortunately, those who do end up with a multitude of conditions and symptoms. However, many people live their lives in an acidic and toxic body that leaves metabolic waste, trash, and sickness inside with no way of getting out.


Toxic Environment - Detoxify with Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen with Blue Spirulina
Environmental Toxins Get Stored In Belly Fat


How Do I Know If My Body Is Toxic?

A Toxic Internal Environments present itself in different ways. Many of our blogs refer to weight loss being toxic, this is why. In fact, once you become toxic, your gallbladder becomes slushy, backed up, and dysfunctional.  Your liver begins to get fatty due to the process of encapsulating fat soluble toxins and your lymphatic system loses the ability to keep your internal house clean.  Weight gain around the gut, increased pain in multiple joints, brain fog, slow digestion, low Testosterone, low energy/ fatigue, and hormone imbalances in women are all signs of a toxic environment. 

The bottom line, acidic toxins, whether from the environment or from food, cause inflammation in the detoxification systems of the body. When this occurs, the body becomes toxic, inflamed, and can create symptoms many people end up masking with medications.  

Doctor Recommending medications symptoms related to a toxic environment - Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen For Detoxification


What parts of my body are responsible for Detoxification?

We talk alot about inflammation and its ability to destroy health and cause symptoms. The liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and lymphatic system are responsible for detoxification in the body. These organs and systems are responsible for removing toxins from the food we eat, the environment, drugs, pollutants, pesticides etc. The liver is also responsible for encapsulating the toxins that we cannot process in the fat of our belt line, or gut.  This is one of the beginning phases and signs of full body toxicity.  


Blue Spirulina For Detoxification – The Superfood Detoxifier

There are potent superfoods in the Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen that detoxify and neutralize toxins.

Blue Spirulina is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and proteins that support the body under stress.  Also, Blue Spirulina has natural antioxidants that neutralize toxins in the gut and support cellular detoxification.  Blue Spirulina literally takes the garbage out, boosting energy in the process.  Uniquely designed with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids, Blue Spirulina takes it to the next level by introducing natural antioxidants along the elixir of energy boosting nutrients. 

Advanced Body Foods Superfoods Supplements- Blue Spirulina, Performance Pollen - Energy, Performance and Detoxification

The Answer and Solution To A Toxic Body 

The remedy and solution to a toxic body is to regularly detox, not waiting for symptoms and disease to occur.

The question is how? Below are some Advanced Body Foods recommendations that are part of our clinical system.  After all, everyone is different and everyone’s toxicity levels are different.  

How Often Should I Detoxify My Body?

Eating an alkaline diet, exercising regularly, getting rest and keeping stress at a low level, help support the detoxification systems and help prevent the body from going into a toxic mode.  Moreover, a healthy, active, alkaline diet, low stress lifestyle boosts and enhances the detoxification systems naturally. The more you deviate into toxicity, the more you need to detoxify your body. 

What Advanced Body Foods Products contain Blue Spirulina For Detoxification?

Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen is loaded with Blue Spirulina and the natural antioxidants that go along with it. Plus, Performance Pollen contains Pine Pollen, a known detoxifier and toxin neutralizer.  Furthermore, the combination of these two powerhouse superfoods are the backbone of our Performance Pollen Blend. 

How to Detoxify using Blue Spirulina For Natural Detoxification


  • Order Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen containing Blue Spirulina For Detoxification and use it as a Superfood Breakfast with Coffee, Tea, or Water. (If you are using water, add dash of honey supporting taste and energy)


Prepare and spend a month cleaning out your body boosting focus, health, nutrition, intermittent fasting and personal growth.


  • Reduce All Stresses and Cultivate Positive Relationships


  • Take Advanced Body Foods Performance Pollen In Place of Breakfast. 

½ Teaspoon for the first week. 

1 Teaspoon the second week. 

2 Teaspoons the third and fourth week. 


  • Eat Natural, Health, Energy Rich Foods – Alkaline Diet with Healthy Proteins 1 -2 Times A Day. For Optimal Detoxification 1 Meal Per Day and NO Grazing. 


  • Exercise 4 – 5 Times a week, Aerobic (Get Your Heart Pumping)
Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements
Advanced Body Foods



3 responses to “Blue Spirulina for Detoxification – The Superfood Detoxifier”

  1. […] world. The Superfood Spirulina is often consumed in the form of a supplement or powdered superfood. Blue Spirulina and its superstar component Phycocyanin naturally enhances energy, endurance, strength, stamina, […]

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