Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

The Green Machine – #1 Most Overlooked Digestive Health Hack

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy - Aloe

Studies suggest Aloe, helps with the absorption of vitamins, prevents gut inflammation, kills pathogens, breaks down food, and can improve gut motility moving toxins out of the gut faster. Moreover, Aloe is a natural digestive health hack and is an excellent supplement to take as a digestion booster and gut protector.

I began using Aloe in my practice upon graduating Chiropractic College in Dallas, Texas around 2002. While attending classes the previous year I heard from people and fellow students that Aloe had many health benefits and was a natural digestive health hack. I was also a frequent flyer at the Chinese Market in Richardson, Texas a few miles away from my college and would hear about the array of benefits aloe offers if taken orally. I loved going to the Chinese Market and was always fascinated by all the different natural remedies. There is no question, these experiences set the stage for the development of Advanced Body Foods.

-Dr. Jack

What is Aloe Vera the superfood and supplement?

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant that grows around the world in hot dry climates. Furthermore, for health benefits, the leaves are condensed and powdered and put into a pill form. The leaves of the plant harbor natural digestive health benefits listed below. We recommend starting with the pill version and adding the juice later. Indeed, the juice or liquid form also has a vast array of health benefits. Indeed, Aloe is a natural digestive health hack and can be used regularly.

Here Are Top 5 Natural Digestive Health Benefits of Aloe:

  1. Supports Absorption of Vitamins and Nutrients
  2. Prevents Inflammation
  3. Kills Pathogens 
  4. Enzymes to Breakdown Food
  5. Faster Gut Motility (Plant Based Laxative)

How To Take Aloe For Digestive Health

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy - Aloe

Take 1 to 2 Aloe Pill Supplements 30 – 45 minutes after your last meal of the day for optimal results. 

Adding Advanced Body Foods For Digestive Health

We recommend Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends For Digestive Health. Here are a few key blends that protect, boost, and optimize digestive health. 

Green Tea Pollen (Weight Loss Pollen)

Performance Pollen – Phycocyanin – Digestive Detoxification
Pain Pollen – Turmeric Root – Digestive Detoxification

Vitamin Pollen – 100% Pine Pollen

Aloe Supports Absorption of Other Nutrients in the Digestive Tract

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Aloe Reduces Gut Inflammation

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy - Aloe

Natural Gut Detoxification

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy - Aloe

Aloe Is Loaded With Enzymes that Break Down Food

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy

Aloe Is A Natural Laxative

Advanced Body Foods Natural Digestive Health Remedy

Follow Advanced Body Foods On Tik Tok @AdvancedBodyFoods

#1 Most Overlooked Natural Digestive Hack
There Most Important Reasons To Take Pine Pollen Daily

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