Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

What Is Gluten? The Great Alternative Diet

Gluten Bread - Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfoods Blends

In today’s age, it’s almost impossible not to hear the word “Gluten” or the importance of  “Gluten-Free”. Most people know avoiding Gluten is related to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Additionally, many people now know how harmful the effects of Gluten and “grain-based proteins” can be on the digestive tract. Gluten can cause many symptoms including weakness, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, full body inflammation, weight gain, and overall poor health, to name a few. Indeed, Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Blends offset the effects of inflammation in the gut and has been a prime focus in the process of helping patients lose weight and get healthy.

In the book The Inflammation Spectrum by Dr. Will Cole, Dr. Cole explains a spectrum that occurs with Gluten and protein sensitivity. This spectrum explains why many people have underlying symptoms and don’t connect the Gluten dots. It also explains the symptoms that are many times overlooked by conventional medicine. I completely agree and the impact on long term Gluten in the gut can present itself in many ways, including long term autoimmune conditions.  Many studies suggest one in four to five people in the U.S. have Gluten Sensitivities. However, those in the natural health science community know.. it’s far greater. 

-Dr. Jack

What exactly is Gluten?

Gluten - Advanced Body Foods

If anyone has ever had cauliflower pizza they know there is a big difference in pizza crust that is without Gluten or Gluten Free.  There is no crust texture and its more crumbly. The gooey taste, texture, stickiness of fresh pie dough is due to Gluten.

Unfortunately for most pizza enthusiasts, gluten free is pizza or gluten free alternatives are a no go. There is increasing evidence however that minimizing or cutting out Gluten for periods of time or forever can have drastic health benefits.

The Inflammation King – What Is Gluten?

Gluten is one of many proteins in wheat, barley, and rye (most grains). It is known in the health community for its ability to cause allergies, auto immune conditions and digestive conditions to people of all ages including children. Many people that have allergies to this protein have fatigue, general malaise, weakness, and eventually leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a process by which the lining of the digestive tract starts to inflame. This happens when undigested proteins and food stuff enter into the lower digestive tract. In a nutshell, porous areas in the digestive tract allow large undigested particles (toxins) into the blood’s steam. Also, this inflammation in the gut allows toxins released by bacteria in the digestive tract to enter into the bloodstream.

The body must process all the toxins furthering the toxic load during weight loss or even general daily health maintenance. Once the body cannot process fat soluble toxins, they can become permanently part of our body, entombed in belly fat, furthering the long term consequences of Gluten.  

As we have talked about in other blogs, weight loss can be toxic and The Alkaline Diet and adding Advanced Body Foods Superfood Blends can be a great “natural health power play” to alkalize and offset the inflammation from fat break down. Alkalizing also helps process Gluten toxins in the gut. The Bottom Line, Leaky Gut Syndrome and chronic Gluten inflammation is a fast way to create a toxic internal environment and disease. There must be a solution..

The Key Take Away – It’s Time To Alkalize

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The most important takeaway is that Gluten is the bad boy of proteins and should be avoided at all costs. In simple terms, find what foods have Gluten and choose foods that alternatively do not. The reality is, what ever diet system you are on if you are eating Gluten based foods, more than likely these foods are causing your underlying fatigue, weakness, hormone imbalance, and poor health.   

So what Diet is a Good Alternative to Gluten? 

We recommend the Alkaline Diet and Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Blends as a main or supporting diet to fasting, Keto, Paleo, and any diet that is anti inflammatory and health promoting. 

You will find if you google Alkaline Foods there is a treasure trove of foods that do not contain Gluten.  In fact, the Alkaline Diet is an excellent alternative to those who are either Gluten Sensitive or are cutting Gluten out for health reasons. In Addition, Our Superfood blends help detoxify the digestive track once Gluten has been reduced or stopped completely.

After all, much like Aspartame and other synthetic sweeteners of the past that have health consequences, enjoying Gluten is an American past-time. Anyone and everyone has the right to enjoy as much Gluten as the want or desire.

Just know there are health risks and consequences.

The Reality – Gluten Is Everywhere

Many times it’s unavoidable if you are eating out or gathering with friends to eat foods that contain Gluten.  However, practicing the 80/20 rule, it’s critical for 80% of the time your body be Gluten Free. If not, the entire time you are living your digesting system is turmoil trying to figure out how to digest or detoxify all the continuous gut toxins. These inflammatory proteins (Gluten) will continuously to cause havoc on your health.  

Why do Alkaline Foods not have Gluten?

Gluten is an acidic protein that causes acidic residues in the digestive track. Foods that have Gluten traditionally cannot be Alkaline due to the acidic and toxic residue left behind once it is digested or broken down in the stomach. Gluten leaves an acidic sticky residue that is not alkaline, not neutral, and is acidic and toxic.

By definition, Alkaline Foods leave an alkaline residue in the digestive track cleaning and neutralizing toxins.

Acids Are Sticky and Toxic

An example of the disease causing nature of unresolved acid in the body is Athlerosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a process where the arteries clog and get stiff due to excessive acids in the blood creating more pressure and stress on the heart. This occurs because acidic proteins are sticky, sticking to the lining of the vessels causing inflammation and hardening. It’s very much the same toxic overload as the sticky pie dough served fresh across the country going in to the digestive track.

Advanced Body Foods Superfood Supplements

Optimize and Alkalize with Advanced Body Foods

Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Based Superfood Blends are Alkaline and support the neutralization of toxins, inflammation, and help detoxify the gut if taken on a regular basis. 

Men – Testosterone Pollen, Performance Pollen, and Pain Pollen

Women – Vixen Pollen, Energy Pollen, and Pain Pollen

To Boost Metabolism and Digestive Cleansing ADD Green Tea Pollen

How To Take Advanced Body Foods

We Recommend The Men’s and Women’s Pack to Start Out. These packs contain 3 separate blends that are taken daily to support health digestion, detoxification, alkalization, and overall improved health.  By fighting inflammation in the gut you can also naturally help fight Leaky Gut Syndrome. Advanced Body Foods are condensed and powdered for easy convenient use. Put 1 to 2 teaspoons in coffee, tea, water, or shakes. 

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