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How To Fast – The Advanced Body Foods System – It’s Time

The Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast is a total reset, strengthening and boosting every system of the body. In fact, it teaches the body how to fast and nurtures your body as it balances its blood sugar and insulin. The Advanced Body Food system 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast is a supportive and inspiring way to lose weight fast, boost energy, reset your hormones, detoxify your body, and enhance your immunity. This simple yet results oriented fast will reduce your caloric intake and assist your body in moving to a naturally health weight. 

Advanced Body Foods - How To Fast, How To Lose Weight Fast

How Often Should I Fast?

The Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast is easy to do and naturally healing to the body. Moreover, it utilizes a time frame that is safe, results oriented, . Additionally this fast you perform weekly, monthly, or whenever you feel it’s time. Many people fast to feel amazing, lose weight fast, reduce inflammation, and/ or simply restore your focus and brain energy.  The ease and support of the system gives you the flexibility to do the Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast any time it’s needed. 

Fasting – Weight Loss Or So Much More?

Additionally, you can use the Advanced Body Foods system as needed or to lose weight fast and naturally. The most important take away is that fasting is so much more then weight loss and can add help you restore your health without the need of synthetic medications.

Benefits Of Fasting [R]

  1. Balances Blood Sugar (Blood Sugar Control)
  2. Reduces Inflammation
  3. Improves Heart Health
  4. Enhances Focus and Brain Function
  5. Boosts Metabolism (Weight Loss)
  6. Increases Growth Hormone Needed For Strength
  7. Could Extend Life Expectancy and Longevity 
  8. Could Fight Cancer

Preparations For Fasting

Unless you have done fasts before and know how to fast, make sure you prepare allowing yourself time before, during, and especially after to relax, sleep, rest, and heal.  Stress, work, and activities of daily living can increase calorie output, stress, and the requirements needed by the body to sustain itself, and must be taken into consideration. To learn your body begin slowly and give yourself time to work through the challenges. 

Advanced Body Foods - How To Fast, How To Lose Weight Fast

Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast

  1. Superfood Supplements 3x Per Day In Coffee, Tea, or Water (Purchase Your Superfood Packs Down Below)
  1. The Day Before Your Fast Hydrate, Exercise, Don’t Eat After 7:00
  1. Go All Day The Next Day Following NO FOOD only Superfood Blends in coffee, tea, or water. (Do Not Add Any Sugar Or Sweetener)
  1. Drink Water Only to Stay Hydrated or To Quench Thirst (Massive Hydration Phase After the 24 Hour Period, During Fast Minimal Water) body food system
  1. Journal – Keep a Journal, it will help you maintain focus and keep you on target. It will also help you prepare for your mindset for the next fast or weight loss program. 
  1. Breathing Exercises and Yoga Stretching Techniques – Reduces Stress, Breaks Ups and Neutralized Toxins – 15 minutes 3x Per Day
Advanced Body Foods - How To Fast, How To Lose Weight Fast

Challenges to the Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Superfood/ Water Fast

The first day of any fast is your most difficult day, it can be riddled with hunger, pain, digestive issues, headaches, increased stress, and can mimic the flu. This is normal, ok, and can be expected. The good news, it passes fast and you begin to feel better quickly.  Get out of the house, enjoy the sun and make your day of fasting a fun experience for your body mind and spirit.

Learning To Fast – A Piece Of Cake

The special benefit of the Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Fasting System is it keeps you in the trenches with your body working hard to stabilize its blood sugar, insulin systems and overall health. body food system body food system body food system

Moreover, most of the hunger pains happen during day one of an extended fast, when you decide to extend your fast to multiple days it will be a piece of cake, metaphorically speaking.  body food system body food system body food system

Advanced Body Foods – Superfood Weight Loss and Performance Packs

Men’s Weight Loss and Performance Pack

Women’s Weight Loss and Performance Pack

#beauty #energy #performance #vitality #weightloss #detoxification #antiaging

Body Food System

Health Disclaimer

If you have medical conditions or challenges with Insulin, Diabetes, or other health related issues that would prevent you from having success, please consult your doctor prior to beginning any diet, weight loss or performance health plan.

4 responses to “How To Fast – The Advanced Body Foods System – It’s Time”

  1. Pat Bouldin Avatar
    Pat Bouldin

    Excellent plan! I lost 5 lbs. I took superfood 2 times each day and extended the fast to 36 hours. I had a blood test (pre scheduled) 30 hours into the fast and blood test was perfect with glucose, cholesterol, Vitamins A,E, D all within perfect range. I feel so much better and looking forward to next fast!

  2. […] The Advanced Body Foods 30 Hour Weight Loss/ Inflammation and Autophagy Fast […]

  3. […] How To Fast – The Advanced Body Foods System – It’s Time […]

  4. […] Fasting supports the body’s natural blood sugar balance. In fact, one of the main health benefits is its ability to reduce insulin sensitivity and restore proper blood sugar balance. According to the National Institute Of Health, “Intermittent fasting diets have certain therapeutic effects on blood glucose and lipids in patients with metabolic syndrome and significantly improve insulin resistance. [R] […]

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