Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen - Vitamin Pollen

How Does Curcumin Alleviate Pain? Stop Arthritis Pain Now

Curcumin and pain relief

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen is a leader in helping people across the country naturally feel better, move better, and have less pain in their joints and muscles.  In fact, Pain Pollen is our best selling online superfood product with pain and chronic pain being one of the main reasons why people find Advanced Body Foods. Furthermore, we developed Pain Pollen to give you a natural alternative to pain medication and synthetic anti-inflammatories. Curcumin and pain relief

Pain Pollen works. This natural superfood blend can reduce or completely alleviate pain and inflammation in joints. Moreover, many see improvement in their age related arthritis pain and inflammation, but how? We wanted to do a quick deep dive into one of the main active ingredients in our Pain Pollen, Curcumin. So with that said, “How does Curcumin Alleviate Pain?  

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Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen

Turmeric is a spice that has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. It is one of the active painkillers and anti-inflammatories in the Advanced Body Body Foods Pain Pollen Blend. This yellow flavor-filled “super spice” is found in the root of a flowering plant that grows in India and south east Asia. Indeed, Curcumin is what gives the Turmeric Root and Powder its vibrant yellowish color [R].

Curcumin and Pain Relief

How Does Turmeric Alleviate Pain? Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen
Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen

According to WebMD, Curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory in Turmeric Root may help with inflammation. Additionally, it may also ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis (wear and tear on joints) and rheumatoid arthritis. These symptoms include pain and inflammation [R]. Also, John Hopkins University found Curcumin to block inflammation through several different metabolic pathways [R]. Equally important, many scientific studies are finding turmeric root and Curcumin can be just as powerful of a pain reliever for arthritis [R] as many synthetic forms of pain relief with little to no side effects.

Curcumin Is a Powerful Plant Based Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory

Turmeric Root is rich in polyphenols that have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Curcumin itself is a polyphenol, a class of molecules known to neutralize free radicals and prevent cells from damage [R]. 

John Hopkins University concludes that diets rich in plant based foods are associated with cancer and heart disease prevention.  This may be why diets rich in plant based foods like Turmeric and Curcumin see less chronic diseases.

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen (Turmeric Pollen)

Pain Pollen is a proprietary blend of Pine Pollen, Turmeric Root, Black Pepper, and Honey Powder.

Add 1 -2 Teaspoons In Coffee, Tea, Water, Or Shakes. For Optimal Use, Take In Place Of A Meal, Regularly.

Pain Pollen Pain Relief Superfood Supplement - Does Curcumin alleviate pain?
Pain Pollen

According To John Hopkins University Turmeric and Curcumin Can Be Used For [R]:

Curcumin and pain relief Curcumin and pain relief Curcumin and pain relief Curcumin and pain relief Curcumin and pain relief

Advanced Body Foods Pain Pollen - Does Curcumin alleviate pain?
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The Advanced Body Foods Pine Pollen Superfood Supplement Blends

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3 responses to “How Does Curcumin Alleviate Pain? Stop Arthritis Pain Now”

  1. […] 5. Natural Inflammation and Pain Killers and Pain Relievers – Training, Recovery and Chronic Conditions Like Arthritis […]

  2. […] [R]. Pine Pollen has a way of stimulating the body’s own anti-inflammatory properties, killing pain and also reducing the swelling and inflammation in joints and muscles […]

  3. […] soluble fiber is that it can be broken down by the gut bacteria [R]. This form of fiber supports a healthy gut and promotes proper […]

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